School Values

Students working in one of the computer roomsAnti Bullying Assemblystudents enjoying the fire pit

The values for Canberra High school are based on the message: Canberra High School - CARES.

C is for community.

This embodies the notions of inclusion, multiculturalism and partnership with other educational and community bodies.

A is for attitude.

This includes such things as integrity, understanding, care and compassion.

R for respect.

This includes such areas as rights and responsibilities, and tolerance of others.

E for excellence striving for your best and accepting challenges in all areas

Academic, sporting or performance.

S for safety

Emphasising a safe environment, sun smart policy and school uniform.

This underpins our policies and procedures and forms part of our school plan and ensures that everything we do at Canberra High has CARES as a basis for all decisions.

C is for community. A is for attitude. R for respect. E for excellence striving for your best and accepting challenges in all areas. S for safety